
If this is your first visit,Please be sure to check 'Older Posts'--many paintings!

After 20 years away from painting... I am grateful to have rediscovered my visual 'voice' and delight in the telling-working intuitively-it's always a surprise to see who and what shows up in the images-I meet them only as they appear. I create the images but the story is in the eye of the beholder...nothing is predetermined...what do YOU see? Tell me a story.....


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Inside Workers

When you look at a human being, you see his hands working, his feet walking, his mouth talking. You don't see his heart, his brain, his lungs and kidneys. They work quietly, inside. But they are the essential organs of life.

The world, too, has hands and feet -- those who are making the news and effecting change. The heart, the inner organs, they are those who work quietly from the inside, those unnoticed. Those who do a simple act of kindness without knowing its reward.

Tzvi Freeman

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