
If this is your first visit,Please be sure to check 'Older Posts'--many paintings!

After 20 years away from painting... I am grateful to have rediscovered my visual 'voice' and delight in the telling-working intuitively-it's always a surprise to see who and what shows up in the images-I meet them only as they appear. I create the images but the story is in the eye of the beholder...nothing is predetermined...what do YOU see? Tell me a story.....


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Come into the fire...farther along...


  1. i so love your art work and am really drawn to it. Do you sell it? love maggi x

  2. Hello! thanks for your kind words! It pleases me to know that the stories I tell speak to others. I have found that one story contains thousands-to be determined by the viewer...a wonderful thing to participate in.

    I am in process of having giclee prints made of my work. Those will be for sale soon(I'll do some announcing on twitter) The original,at least for now, are rather precious to me---as I went 20 years without painting and only started up again last February...

    Thank you very much for your interest! Stay tuned!
